Quote of the Day

Forgive me if I’m off a little on this one; I’m doing it from memory.

“There are two things men are always willing to believe: that a woman is weak, and that she finds him attractive.”

I don’t think I’ve ever included a quote from a video game here, but this one made me smile so much that I had to include it. It’s from Dragon Age: Origins. Character Morrigan says it, but you have to talk to her kind of a lot to get her to say it. 🙂

Modern America and the Death of Humanity

“What is going to become of a society which puts emphasis on numbers and masses, rather than on the individual – where medical schools hope to enlarge their classes, where the trend is away from student-teacher contact, which is replaced by closed-circuit television teaching, recordings, and movies all of which can teach a greater number of students in a more depersonalized manner?”

This quote is from Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s book On Death and Dying. She’s one of the fore-runners in hospice work. I thought it was wonderful to come across this quote that, for Kubler-Ross was about healthcare, but for me was about education.

The Willingness to be Wrong

“…when they are very young, kids aren’t particularly worried about being wrong. If they aren’t sure what to do in a particular situation, they’ll just have a go at it and see how things turn out. This is not to suggest that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. Sometimes being wrong is just being wrong. What is true is that if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”

Sir Ken Robinson in his book The Element

None of Your Business!

“Some years ago when I was in a crisis, a friend gave me the single most helpful piece of advice I could tell myself. She was in a Twelve Step program, which I credit with giving her this clarity. ‘What other people think about you,’ she said, ‘is none of your business.'”

Rachel Simon The Writer’s Survival Guide Ch. 2