Brain Dump #15

Life Update:  Life is good lately, but I’m not looking forward to going back to work next week.  I’ve had a perfect amount of time this break for working on the manuscript, blogging, journaling, meeting up with old friends, running (although today may be a bit too cold for me), sleeping, gaming, reading, etc… I’m still planning to send out my first round of query letters in January 🙂 but it probably won’t happen until the end of the month, and not even then if I don’t keep up my writing schedule after I go back to work.  This month is going to be jam-packed full of chaos already, so if I were you, I’d put my money on February queries… although it does feel really nice to be so close to this big step in the publishing process – even if I’m continually pushing my plan back.

I probably won’t blog tomorrow – not because New Year’s is a particularly awesome holiday (or even because it’s also both Roommate Alix’s and Roommate Amy’s b-day).  Mostly, I just haven’t finished up the visual aids for you that I promised back at the beginning of the month.  It takes an impressive amount of time for me to put together even stick-figures that are identifiable 🙂  Usually, I create my fabulous art while at a coffee shop with roommate Amy or Friend Shasta because I have trouble fictioning very well with other people around.  But Roommate Amy is out of town and Friend Shasta is busy with family stuff, so I’ve been all about rewriting the first few paragraphs of chapter 2 of my book.  I think I’m finished with that for now, too!  SUCCESS!


Now… on to the Brain Dump

Oh man!  A computer is going to compete on Jeopardy!  It’s going up against Ken Jennings and somebody else I don’t recognize, but I’m jazzed.  Maybe they’ll make androids just like Data available for space exploration before I die.  Data was the best!  Click here to read a blog post about the Jeopardy match.

11th grade writing of the week:  “I would defiantly recommend this book to my friends, because it is a good book to read, it’s motivational, and it has a good moral throughout the entire book.”

Words can’t express how AWESOME this picture is.

Pictures from way back at my RockBand/Bible Birthday Party:

Matt on drums, Me on guitar, Alix in the chair, parents far right.
Ashly guitar, Steve drums, Lori, Alix vocals.


This one's my favorite! Chris, me & Mike viewed over top of Alix's Bible. There's also a random leg over on the right side on the floor. I suspect it belongs to Drew. 🙂


And goodbye for now… everyone have a wonderful weekend!  I’ll be back bright and early on Monday, and those of you on the Monday morning wake-up list should expect the calls to resume pronto 🙂

What are your thoughts on life, the universe, and everything?